3 min read
A Unique Game Story.

Large Language Models (LLMs) have evolved beyond the limitations of basic conversational AI. Research like the April 2023 paper “Generative agents: A Simulacra of Human Behaviour” pushes boundaries, describing game worlds populated by AI entities that learn and interact like humans. Here, the story unfolds not through scripts, but through the characters’ evolving personalities and experiences.

This paves the way for a game I dream of creating: a narrative roguelike set in a war-torn 25th-century metaverse. Inspired by Hades, Transistor and Hyper Light Drifter, you play as Cassandra and Dot, unknowingly cloned fragments of the same person. Thrust into this conflict, they fight for survival, oblivious to their connection.

The twist? Their journeys differ in a crucial way. Cassandra, fueled by a relentless drive, retains memories from each run. Each victory bolsters her confidence, her dialogue reflecting a seasoned warrior. Conversely, Dot, burdened by a strange amnesia, forgets the previous encounters. Each playthrough feels entirely new for her, leaving her confused and vulnerable. The LLM, trained on vast amounts of relevant text data, tailors their dialogue accordingly.

Cassandra, hardened by countless battles, barks out orders with practiced ease. Dot, perpetually bewildered, might hesitantly question their purpose. The LLM can even influence their interactions with the environment. A skilled Cassandra might navigate obstacles with practiced fluidity, while a bewildered Dot stumbles through the unknown.

This creates a fascinating dynamic. Cassandra, burdened by the weight of experience, grapples with memories of past failures and victories. Dot, perpetually new to the world, approaches each challenge with a blend of curiosity and fear. The Generative Model accounts for these differences, shaping the narrative in real-time. You, the player, influence their choices, forging a unique bond between the characters as they fight for survival.

But the most compelling question hangs in the air: will they ever discover their true connection? As Cassandra yearns for connection with a perpetually confused Dot, the model crafts dialogue reflecting her growing frustration and Dot’s innocent bewilderment. This creates a powerful exploration of memory, identity, and the bonds forged in adversity.

The future of video game storytelling lies at this exciting intersection of human creativity and AI. We, the developers, can craft compelling worlds and backstories. Then, LLMs weave the narrative threads, creating unique stories shaped by player choices. This isn’t just a game; it’s an ever-evolving tapestry woven by player and AI alike. One day, I dream of building this experience, a testament to the boundless potential of human imagination and the power of AI to breathe life into stories. Will their shared struggles and the subtle hints woven into the narrative by the Generative AI eventually spark a flicker of recognition? Will Cassandra’s memories bridge the gap, or will Dot remain forever adrift in a sea of forgotten encounters? This is the question that drives the gameplay, a question you answer with every choice you make.